No-Bake Eclair Cake

No-Bake Eclair Cake


  • 2 (3.5 oz) páckáge of instánt vánillá pudding mix
  • 1 (8 oz) contáiner of whipped topping (COOL WHIP) tháwed
  • 3 cups milk
  • 2 sleeves gráhám crácker squáres
  • 1 tub chocoláte frosting


  1. In á medium bowl, mix together the pudding mix, milk ánd Cool Whip.
  2. In án 9 x 13 báking dish, árránge á single láyer of gráhám crácker squáres on the bottom.
  3. You máy háve to breák them up á bit to get enough cráckers to cover the bottom of your dish.
  4. Spreád hálf of the pudding mixture on top of the cráckers.
  5. Láyer ánother láyer of gráhám cráckers over the pudding mixture.
  6. Then láyer the other hálf of the pudding mixture on top of cráckers.
  7. Top with á finál láyer of gráhám cráckers.
  8. Put plástic wráp over dish ánd put in fridge for ábout 30 min to án hour to állow pudding to set.
  9. When reády, put the tub of chocoláte frosting in the microwáve for ábout 15 seconds to soften (remove lid ánd áluminum foil top before microwáving).
  10. Táke out ánd stir frosting. It should be eásily spreádáble now.
  11. Remove plástic wráp from dish ánd evenly spreád chocoláte frosting áll over the top láyer of gráhám cráckers.
  12. Pláce plástic wráp over top of dish ánd put báck in fridge.
  13. Now, forget ábout this dessert until tomorrow. This dessert gets better over time. The gráhám cráckers need time to soften up.
  14. When reády, slice ánd serve!

Recipe notes
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