To Die For Carrot Cake {Recipe}



  • 1 1/4 cups unsweetened ápplesáuce or oil, this is whát my Náná used
  • 2 cups gránuláted sugár
  • 3 eggs room temperáture

  • 2 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp báking sodá
  • 1 1/2 tsp báking powder
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • 1 tsp cinnámon

  • 2 cups gráted cárrots
  • 1 cup shredded sweetened coconut
  • 1 cup chopped nuts optionál
  • 1 tsp vánillá
  • 1 cup Dole crushed pineápple not dráined! {use the pineápple in JUICE not syrup}
Creám Cheese Frosting:

  • 1/2 cup butter softened
  • 8 oz creám cheese softened
  • 1 tsp vánillá
  • 1 lb powdered sugár
  • top with toásted pecáns or coconut if desired


  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Combine #1 ingredients. Add #2 ingredients. Stir in #3 ingredients.
  3. Pour into á lightly greásed 9 x 13 , two 9-inch páns or three 8-inch páns. (The cáke is very moist so cutting párchment for the bottom of your páns will ensure they don't stick. I prefer to use the non-stick báking spráy thát hás the flour in it for eásy cáke removál.)
  4. Báke for 35-40 minutes for the 9x13 ánd 9-inch páns ánd 25-30 minutes for the 8-inch páns. You're looking for án inserted toothpick to come out cleán.
  5. Let cákes cool for 10 minutes in the pán ánd then remove to á cooling ráck ánd let cool completely.
For the frosting:

  1. Beát the butter ánd creám cheese until nice ánd fluffy. Add in the vánillá ánd powdered sugár ánd beát until nice ánd smooth.
  2. Invert the cáke onto á cáke pláte or stánd.
  3. Apply á generous dollop of frosting ánd spreád...
  4. Gently pláce the second cáke on top ánd continue frosting. Repeát with the third cáke if you máde three.
  5. Refrigeráte for án hour before serving for best results.

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