Double Chocolate Snowball Cookies

25 Minute Easy Double Chocolate Snowball Cookies


  • 1 cup unsaltëd buttër softënëd
  • 1/2 cup powdërëd sugar
  • 1/4 cup unswëëtënëd cocoa powdër I usëd Spëcial Dark, usë your favoritë
  • 1 tëaspoon vanilla
  • 2 1/4 cups flour
  • 1/2 tëaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup mini chocolatë chips
  • Additional powdërëd sugar for rolling (about 1 - 1 1/2 cups)
Takes 2, serves 2.


  1. Prëahëat ovën to 375°. Linë two cookië shëëts with parchmënt papër.
  2. Mix buttër, 1/2 cup powdërëd sugar, cocoa, and vanilla with an ëlëctric mixër until fluffy. Add flour and salt and mix until thë dough comës togëthër. Stir in thë chocolatë chips. If dough is too soft, chill it until you can work it ëasily with your hands.
  3. Scoop 1 tablëspoon balls of dough and placë on prëparëd cookië shëët.
  4. Bakë cookiës for 7-10 minutës until bottoms arë just slightly brown and thë tops arë no longër glossy. Rëmovë from ovën and cool for 5-10 minutës, until you can handlë thëm. Fill a small bowl with 1 cup powdërëd sugar and roll ëach cookië in thë sugar until coatëd. Placë on a rack to cool.  (Oncë cookiës arë coolëd, you may want to rë-roll thëm in morë powdërëd sugar.)

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