
Easy Dělbuchy


  • 1st dough:
  • 30 dkg of nuts (ground)
  • 27 dkg of powdered sugar
  • 12 dkg of butter
  • 3 tablespoons of rum
  • 4 dkg of cocoa2.
  • 2nd dough:
  • 50 dkg of powdered sugar
  • 15 dkg of coconut
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 6 tablespoons of rum
  • 5 dkg butteranilk sugar
  • vanilla sugar


  1. Make both dough balls, wrap them in sugar and cram into a mold (I had a coffee dispenser). First the 1st dough and then the 2nd dough to make the brown dough from the top. Knock and let it solidify. Glue the jam on the baked Linz wheel. Pour the chocolate sauce.

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